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Happy New Year 2021
Happy New Year 2021

079 562 3251

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We are pleased to introduce VIDIX, the newest technology in mole mapping.
The device is capable of automatically taking whole body photographs, marking all moles on the photographs and highlighting new moles in follow up photographs.
Two screens enable whole body view as well as close up view of dermatoscopic images of moles.
See below the images for more details on dermoscopy.

Mole mapping follows sequence below:
1. Whole body photographs are taken.
2. Moles to be analysed are marked on the whole body photographs to show their position on the body.
3. The individual moles are then photographed with the dermatoscopic attachment of the camera. These are referred to as dermatoscopic images.
These images provide much greater detail compared to normal visualisation of the moles with the naked eye or even a magnifying glass. In fact there are about about 10 features of melanoma which can be identified using a dermatoscope that cannot be appreciated with the naked eye.
4. During follow up, the dermatoscopic images are repeated and compared with the previous set of images.
5. New moles are highlighted in a different colour by the software.
5. Any changes in existing moles are also detected.
6. If changes in a mole are suspicious, further careful follow up or removal of the mole is advised, depending on the type of changes seen.
Examples of dermatoscopic images: