Online Consultations
Happy New Year 2021
Happy New Year 2021

079 562 3251

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Solar lentigenes
Lentigenes are flat brown spots found in sun-exposed areas eg. backs of the hands, shoulders and face. They are sometimes referred to as sun spots, although the term sun spots usually refer to solar keratoses. Solar lentigenes are benign whereas solar keratoses are pre-cancerous. Treatment is with liquid notrogen or with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).
solar lentigenes on the back of the hand

Seborrhoeic keratoses
These are yellowish to brown to black growths on the skin, not related to sun exposure or to any particular skin type. These tumours have a stuck-on appearance and are sometimes confused for melanomas. Treatment is with shave excision and electrocautery. Liquid nitrogen may also be used.

seborrhoeic keratosis
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Skin tags
Skin tags are soft growths usually found around the neck, armpits, groins and around the eyes. They are removed with light electrocautery. EMLA cream is used for anaesthesia, applied an hour before hand.

skin tags on right axilla
Dermatosis papulosa nigrans (DPNs)
These are tiny dark coloured bumps paricularly numerous around the eyes, the cheeks, temples and neck. They are more common on pigmented skin. Treatment is electrocautery under EMLA anaesthetic.

Cherry angiomas (Campbell de Morgan spots)
These are collections of blood vessels producing bright red bumps on the skin. Excellent results are achieved usually with a single shot of NdYAG laser.

Campbell de Morgan Spots before treatment

Campbell de Morgan Spots immediately afer treatment with NdYAG laser.

Angioma (Campbell de Morgan spot) treated with a single shot of NdYAG laser

1 week after treatment with NdYAG laser shows complete healing of the lesion without scarring
Sebaceous hyperplasia
Enlarged sebaceous glands, found especially on the face. The growths are either cauterised or shave excised to the level of normal skin. Only the part that sticks out of the skin is flattened and part of the gland remains in the skin.

Dermatoscopic image of sebaceous hyperplasia showing prominent lobules of sebaceous glands making up the bump on the skin (arrow). The appearance is described as "popcorn-like".

Microscopic view of the above area showing prominent lobules of sebaceous glands
A keratoacanthoma is a rapid-growing, smooth dome-shaped growth and a central crust. It is considered non-cancerous and may spontaneously resolve. However, a squamous cell carcinoma may masquerade as a keratoacanthoma. For this reason, it us usually removed and analysed in the laboratory.

A keratoacanthoma arising on the scalp of a 58 year old male.
Small bumps around the eyelids. They represent non-functional sweat glands. Treatment is with electrocautery. A biopsy may be required to confirm the diagnosis.