Online Consultations
Happy New Year 2021
Happy New Year 2021

079 562 3251

For online consultations,
please phone 0795623251
In addition to standard therapies, the practice offers narrow band UVB, Excimer Light and surgical therapies for vitiligo.
Surgical therapies:
Suction blister grafting: Blisters are raised on the thigh. The blister roof is removed and grafted onto vitiligo areas.
Punch grafting; small pieces of skin are removed from the thigh and grafted onto vitiligo areas
Needling: a needle is inserted along the edge of vitligo areas to encourage the spread of pigmentation within the white spots.
To determine which therapy is right for you, please book a consultation and the options will be discussed with you.
For those that find it difficult to come to the practice, home care phototherapy is availbale. Feel free to discuss the availalbe options.
For further information on vitligo, please see
The Vitligo Society of South Africa.
Join as a member for free to receive updates, newsletters and information regarding support group meetings.
Available treatments include all topicals (applied medicines), systemic agents (Methotrexate, Neotigason and Cyclosporine)
PUVA and narrow band UVB
Excimer Light
A new drug, Tofacitinib is due be become available in South Africa in 2017.
Phototherapy may be used as a first line therapy for extensive psoriasis and requires an average of 21-30 treatments, administered 3 times a week. Success rates compare well with systemic treatments.
All systemic treatments need to be monitored by means of monthly blood tests.
Biologic treatments need to be authorised by the Dermatological Society of South Africa and then by ones medical aid society.
No patient should be allowed to scar from acne in this day and age.
Treatment should commence the moment the first signs of acne are seen.
Patients need to cycle rapidly through antibiotics and in the case of females, oral contraceptives.
Roaccutane needs to used if the response to the above treatments is unsatisfactory. Roaccutane is a safe drug and contrary to popular belief, it has not been banned in any country. Oratane and Acnetane are generics (same active ingredient, different manufacturer) of Roaccutane and may be used in its place.
For those looking a non-drug approach to acne, Photodynamic therapy is offered at the practice and may be considered as an alternative.
The following treatments are offered for acne scars:
Chemical Peels (From Tebitech - Italy)
Microneedling (From InnoPen - USA)
Surgical treatment - Subcision,Punch excision and punch grafting
For a comprehensive list of skin conditions, please see New Zealand Dermnet.
Viral warts are commonly treated with liquid nitrogen.
Tuberculin antigen immunotherapy is a novel treatment for viral warts where one wart (the largest) is injected with Tuberculin antigen two weekly for 8 weeks.When successful, all warts disappear. The treatment is successful in 70% of patients.
Liquid nitrogen, Bleomycin and electrocautery are additional treatments available.
Visit the photographic gallery to see how Tuberculin antigen works for viral warts.
Visit us if you wish to discuss your suitability for this treatment.